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From a young age, Luke has always been a performing musician with his parents being a crucial part of his musical prowess. By receiving lessons during primary, secondary, and tertiary education, many forms of playing such as classical, acoustic, electric and fingerstlye guitar are at his disposal. Throughout his education instruments such as the saxophone, marimba, bass, piano, and banjo have all made various appearances within the realm of recording and performance.

Entering high school Luke began to use his musical talent to record and edit compositions using various digital applications. Through hands-on experience, the fundamentals of recording live sound started to take root and has since begun further developing his knowledge in the field.

Obtaining a bachelors degree in Entertainment Technology from Millersville University, audio manipulation had become the principle focus of his studies. Gaining valuable knowledge and skills of production sets and equipment during this time broadened not only his understanding of audio, but video, lighting, electric, and information technology.

Now with the expertise and accomplishments made throughout all of his education, striving to create unique, aural experiences for every project is a self-determined mission that stems from the desire to innovate and create on a piece-by-piece basis.